(circa 1965-1998; 2004-present)
First incarnation
*Verona High School soccer player who is a self-hating closeted gay boy formerly in love with Mark Bailey
*Boothe the grave digger called him a 'faggot'
*Bullies Mark Bailey and Taylor Potter before their suicides
*Attempts to kill Nathan and Ethan
*Afraid of Brandon Hanson, who threatened to kill him in retribution for Mark's suicide and threat on Nathan & Ethan
Post- graduation
*An anti-gay preacher whose group was called "God Hates Queers"
*Commits suicide after his pedophilic behaviors become public
Evil Spirit Years
*Haunts Graymoor Mansion, particularly Sean Hilton, Marshall Mulgrew, and Skye Mackenzie.
*Possessed Marshall Mulgrew
*Taking the appearance of Skye Mackenzie, stabbed Thad Thomas
*Brought back to life by Mark Bailey and Taylor Potter
Second Incarnation
*Lives with Hilton family in Graymoor Mansion until his adopted parents, Shawn Myer and Tristan Cole, arrive
*Cole-Myer family lives in old Verona School
*Attends Verona High School and is openly gay
*Dates Craig